5 Strategies to Show Your Marketing knoeledge as a Brand-New Marketer


Being a new marketer is awesome.

You’re fresh-faced to the marketing world which means you have lots of new insights you can bring to the industry. You’ll see the marketing space from a different perspective than a seasoned marketer, which means your opinion is super valuable.

But how do you show all that you’ve learned and what your take is on the current state of the marketing world?

Luckily, this is a really, really great time to be a new marketer. You have a plethora of platforms ready and waiting for you to share your knowledge on them—and connect you with the people that will hire you. 🎉

And as a marketer, you get to bring your marketing knowledge into your strategy for showing your marketing knowledge. Ahh, the marketing world is a very meta place and we’re happy to welcome you to it.

Here are 5 ways to show your marketing knowledge as a brand-new marketer.

#1: Do the Work

We’ve put this as Number One for a reason—the best way to show your marketing knowledge is to SHOW the proof in your marketing pudding. 

You don’t just want to say, “I think that running testimonial ads to a warm audience would work really well for conversions.” You want to say, “I ran testimonial ads to a warm audience and I was able to cut my cost per conversion rate by 50%. Here’s what I did…” 

By doing the work that shows your marketing knowledge, you’re creating a reservoir of content topics you can splinter amongst different platforms. 

The more platforms on which you can talk about your marketing knowledge, the more you’ll be able to connect with the people who’ll hire you to market their products and services. This doesn’t mean you need to be on every platform—but by splintering your content you’re making it a lot easier for you to be on a bunch of platforms, with minimal effort. 

What if you don’t have any marketing clients (yet!)?

Market yourself as a marketer—and then talk about what’s working, what’s not, and how people can replicate the strategies working for you on different platforms. (As we said, marketing is a very meta world 😂).

#2: Write Articles on Medium

Cue a platform! Medium is a publishing platform that lets anybody publish articles on topics of their choice. You can either submit articles directly to your profile, or you can use publications to help them reach a wider audience. Here are a few great publications for a marketer to send their articles:


The Startup


Why show your marketing knowledge on Medium?

Writing articles about your successful marketing strategies, the upcoming trends you see, or covering a brand that’s doing a damn good job marketing themselves is going to show that you’re marketing, you’re paying attention to what’s happening, and you know what makes a marketing strategy work.

When a future client Googles you, they’ll see your content on Medium AND the social proof of others clapping, responding, and highlighting it.

In each article, you can link back out to your website, social media profiles, or specific pages (like your Substack newsletter) so you can convert readers into subscribers. Since your website might not be flooded with traffic (just yet), you can use Medium to get your content in front of new eyes—without having to spend time distributing it yourself.

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